Voice Recognition

FFA News

FFA News


Every year, there is an annual FFA picnic that is held with student officers, student members, advisors and family members. The picnic is an event for people to interact with each other and a chance to introduce the new FFA officers. There is always a raffle for the guest to enter for a chance of winning a free FFA mum, along with a game of kickball is played by anyone that wants to join. This year’s picnic was held on Sunday, September 9. Normally, the picnic is held outside near the softball field, but because of the recent weather we had, the turf was to muddy for us to use, so we held the event inside the school by the main lobby and inside of the central gym. Around 100 people attended this event with different families and members there. The food that was served was provided by the school cooking staff. The meal options were a pulled pork sandwich, pasta salad, chips, brownies and ice cream. The drinks that were provided were lemonade and water. After everyone had finished eating, a name for the raffle was called; this year’s winner was Jodi Cheney. Finally, the annual game of kickball was played, and the players had a blast playing. 

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